# Mordred

SirMordred is the tool used to coordinate the execution of the GrimoireLab platform, via two main configuration files, the setup.cfg and projects.json , which are summarized in their corresponding sections.

也就是说这个工具是管理平台用的。主要的配置文件有两个 Setup.cfgProjects.json

# Setup.cfg

这个配置文件用于管理 GrimoireLab 的 processes。比如设置 log 日志放在哪,SortingHat 和 ElasticSearch 怎么访问,也可以设置 Perceval 的访问令牌。

# Projects.json

The projects.json aims at describing the repositories grouped by a project that will be shown on the dashboards.

也就是说这个配置文件用于配置 repos 是如何被 grouped by a project 然后在 dashboard 上显示的。

# grimoirelab-toolkit

grimoirelab projects 经常用到的包,比如处理日期的函数。

# grimoirelab-bestiary

A tool to visually manage software development ecosystems description.


# Hatstall

Hatstall is a web interface for SortingHat databases developed mainly with Django

就是 SortingHat 的 Web 接口。

SortingHat 做的工作:

  • they might be using several usernames in the same data source (i.e. different emails for git commits)
  • to get a whole view, you need to take into account their contribution in different data sources (git, issues, chats, etc.). You need to merge multiple usernames under a single unique identity
  • they might be working for several organizations during project life

而 Hatstall 就是处理 multi-identites 更简单的工具。